- and
- as
- assert
- async
- await
- break
- case1
- class
- continue
- def
- del
- elif
- else
- except
- False
- finally
- for
- from
- global
- if
- import
- in
- is
- lambda
- match1
- None
- nonlocal
- not
- or
- pass
- raise
- return
- True
- try
- type1
- while
- with
- yield
- _1
- abs(number)
- Absolute value of number
- aiter(async_iterable)
- Asynchronous iterator for an asynchronous iterable
- all(iterable)
- True if all elements of iterable are true (all([]) is True)
- any(iterable)
- True if any element of iterable is true (any([]) is False)
- ascii(object)
- Return repr(object) with non-ASCII characters escaped
- bin(number)
- Convert number to binary string
- bool(object)
- Boolean value of object, see __bool__
- breakpoint(*args, **kwds)
- Drop into debugger by calling sys.breakpointhook(*args, **kwds)
- bytearray(…)
- New array of bytes from byte-integers, string, bytes, or object with buffer API
- bytes(…)
- New bytes object from byte-integers, string, or bytes
- callable(object)
- True if object is callable
- chr(i)
- One character string for unicode ordinal i (0 <= i <= 0x10ffff)
- classmethod(func)
- Transform function into class method
- compile(source, …)
- Compile source into code or AST object
- complex(real=0, imag=0)
- Complex number with the value real + imag*1j
- delattr(object, name)
- Delete the named attribute, if object allows
- dict(…)
- Create new dictionary
- dir([object])
- List of names in the local scope, or object.__dir__() or attributes
- divmod(x, y)
- Return (quotient x//y, remainder x%y)
- enumerate(iterable, start=0)
- Enumerate object as (n, item) pairs with n initialised to start value
- eval(source, globals=None, locals=None)
- Execute Python expression string, or code object from compile()
- exec(source, globals=None, locals=None)
- Execute Python statements string, or code object from compile()
- filter(func, iterable)
- Iterator yielding items where bool(func(item)) is True, or bool(item) if func is None
- float(x=0)
- Floating point number from number or string
- format(object, format_spec='')
- Formatted representation
- frozenset(…)
- New frozenset object
- getattr(object, name[, default])
- Get value of named attribute of object, else default or raise exception
- globals()
- Dictionary of current module namespace
- hasattr(object, name)
- True if object has named attribute
- hash(object)
- Hash value of object, see object.__hash__()
- help(…)
- Built-in help system
- hex(number)
- Convert number to lowercase hexadecimal string
- id(object)
- Return unique integer identifier of object
- __import__(name, …)
- Invoked by the import statement
- input(prompt='')
- Read string from sys.stdin, with optional prompt
- int(…)
- Create integer from number or string
- isinstance(object, cls_or_tuple)
- True if object is instance of given class(es)
- issubclass(cls, cls_or_tuple)
- True if class is subclass of given class(es)
- iter(object, …)
- Iterator for object
- len(object)
- Length of object
- list(…)
- Create list
- locals()
- Dictionary of current local symbol table
- map(func, *iterables)
- Apply function to every item of iterable(s)
- max(…, key=func)
- Largest item of iterable or arguments, optionally comparing value of func(item)
- memoryview(object)
- Access internal object data via buffer protocol
- min(…, key=func)
- Smallest item of iterable or arguments, optionally comparing value of func(item)
- next(iterator[, default])
- Next item from iterator, optionally return default instead of StopIteration
- object()
- New featureless object
- oct(number)
- Convert number to octal string
- open(file, …)
- Create file object from path string/bytes or integer file descriptor
- ord(chr)
- Integer representing Unicode code point of character
- pow(base, exp, mod=None)
- Return base to the power of exp
- print(*values, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
- Print object to sys.stdout, or text stream file
- property(…)
- Property decorator
- range(…)
- Generate integer sequence
- repr(object)
- String representation of object for debugging
- reversed(sequence)
- Reverse iterator
- round(number, ndigits=None)
- Number rounded to ndigits precision after decimal point
- set(…)
- New set object
- setattr(object, name, value)
- Set object attribute value by name
- slice(…)
- Slice object representing a set of indices
- sorted(iterable, key=func, reverse=False)
- New sorted list from the items in iterable, optionally comparing value of func(item)
- staticmethod(func)
- Transform function into static method
- str(…)
- String description of object
- sum(iterable, start=0)
- Sums items of iterable, optionally adding start value
- super(…)
- Proxy object that delegates method calls to parent or sibling
- tuple(iterable)
- Create a tuple
- type(…)
- Type of an object, or build new type
- vars([object])
- Return object.__dict__ or locals() if no argument
- zip(*iterables, strict=False)
- Iterate over multiple iterables in parallel, strict requires equal length
Precedence (high->low) | Description |
(…,) […,] {…,} {…:…,} | tuple, list, set, dict |
s[i] s[i:j] s.attr f(…) | index, slice, attribute, function call |
await x | await expression |
+x, -x, ~x | unary positive, negative, bitwise NOT |
x ** y | power |
x * y, x @ y, x / y, x // y, x % y | multiply, maxtrix multiply, divide, floor divide, modulus |
x + y, x - y | add, substract |
x << y x >> y | bitwise shift left, right |
x & y | bitwise and |
x ^ y | bitwise exclusive or |
x | y | bitwise or |
x<y x<=y x>y x>=y x==y x!=y x is y x is not y x in s x not in s | comparison, identity, membership |
not x | boolean negation |
x and y | boolean and |
x or y | boolean or |
… if … else … | conditional expression |
lambda | lambda expression |
:= | assignment expression |
Assignment | Usually equivalent |
a = b | Assign object b to label a |
a += b | a = a + b |
a -= b | a = a - b |
a *= b | a = a * b |
a /= b | a = a / b (true division) |
a //= b | a = a // b (floor division) |
a %= b | a = a % b |
a **= b | a = a ** b |
a &= b | a = a & b |
a |= b | a = a | b |
a ^= b | a = a ^ b |
a >>= b | a = a >> b |
a <<= b | a = a << b |
Assign and return value using the walrus operator.
count = 0
while (count := count + 1) < 5:
>>> z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> [x for i in z if (x:=i**2) > 10]
[16, 25]
Unpack multiple values to a name using the splat operator.
head, *body = s # assign first value of s to head, remainder to body
head, *body, tail = s # assign first and last values of s to head and tail, remainder to body
*body, tail = s # assign last value of s to tail, remainder to body
s = [*iterable[, …]] # unpack iterable to list
s = (*iterable[, …]) # unpack iterable to tuple
s = {*iterable[, …]} # unpack iterable to set
d2 = {**d1[, …]} # unpack mapping to dict
for item in <iterable>:
[else: # only if loop completes without break
while <condition>:
[else: # only if loop completes without break
break # immediately exit loop
continue # skip to next loop iteration
return[ value] # exit function, return value | None
yield[ value] # exit generator, yield value | None
assert <expr>[, message] # if not <expr> raise AssertionError([message])
if <condition>:
[elif <condition>:
<expression1> if <condition> else <expression2>
with <expression>[ as name]: # context manager
A with statement takes an object with special methods:
- __enter__() - locks resources and optionally returns an object
- __exit__() - releases resources, handles any exception raised in the block, optionally suppressing it by returning True
class AutoClose:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def __enter__(self):
self.f = open(self.filename)
return self.f
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exception, traceback):
>>> with AutoClose('test.txt') as f:
... print(f.read())
Hello world!
match <expression>:
case <pattern>[ if <condition>]: # conditional match, if "guard" clause
case <pattern1> | <pattern2>: # OR pattern
case _: # default case
Match case pattern
- 1/'abc'/True/None/math.pi
- Value pattern, match literal or dotted name
- <name>
- Capture pattern, match any object and bind to name
- _
- Wildcard pattern, match any object
- <type>()
- Class pattern, match any object of that type
- <type>(<attr>=<pattern|name>, …)
- Class pattern, match object with matching attributes
- <pattern> | <pattern> [| …]
- Or pattern, match any of the patterns left to right
- [<pattern>[, …[, *args]]
- Sequence pattern (list|tuple), match any sequence with matching items (but not string or iterator), may be nested
- {<value_pattern>: <pattern>[, …[, **kwds]]}
- Mapping pattern, match dictionary with matching items, may be nested
- <pattern> as <name>
- Bind match to name
- <builtin>(<name>)
- Builtin pattern, shortcut for <builtin>() as <name> (e.g. str, int)
- Class patterns
- Do not create a new instance of the class
- Accept positional parameters if class defines __match_args__ special attribute (e.g. dataclass)
- Sequence patterns support assignment unpacking
- Names bound in a match statement are visible after the match statement
Scope levels:
- Builtin
- Names pre-assigned in builtins module
- Module (global)
- Names defined in current module Note: Code in global scope cannot access local variables
- Enclosing (closure)
- Names defined in any enclosing functions
- Function (local)
- Names defined in current function Note: By default, has read-only access to module and enclosing function names By default, assignment creates a new local name global <name> grants read/write access to specified module name nonlocal <name> grants read/write access to specified name in closest enclosing function defining that name
- Generator expression
- Names contained within generator expression
- Comprehension
- Names contained within comprehension
- Class
- Names shared across all instances
- Instance
- Names contained within a specific instance
- Method
- Names contained within a specific instance method
- globals() - return Dictionary of module scope variables
- locals() - return Dictionary of local scope variables
>>> global_name = 1
>>> def read_global():
... print(global_name)
... local_name = "only available in this function"
>>> read_global()
>>> def write_global():
... global global_name # enable write to global
... global_name = 2
>>> write_global()
>>> print(global_name)
>>> def write_nonlocal():
... closure_name = 1
... def nested():
... nonlocal closure_name # enable write to nonlocal
... closure_name = 2
... nested()
... print(closure_name)
>>> write_nonlocal()
class C:
class_name = 1 # shared by all instances
def __init__(self):
self.instance_name = 2 # only on this instance
def method(self):
self.instance_name = 3 # update instance name
C.class_name = 3 # update class name
method_name = 1 # set method local name
Operations on sequence types (Bytes, List, Tuple, String).
- x in s
- True if any s[i] == x
- x not in s
- True if no s[i] == x
- s1 + s2
- Concatenate s1 and s2
- s * n, n * s
- Concatenate n copies of s
- s.count(x)
- Count of s[i] == x
- len(s)
- Count of items
- min(s)
- Smallest item of s
- max(s)
- Largest item of s
- s.index(x[, start[, stop]])
- Smallest i where s[i] == x, start/stop bounds search
- reversed(s)
- Iterator on s in reverse order For string use reversed(list(s))
- sorted(s, cmp=func, key=getter, reverse=False)
- New sorted list
Select items from sequence by index or slice.
>>> s = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> s[0] # 0-based indexing
>>> s[-1] # negative indexing from end
>>> s[slice(2)] # slice(stop) - index from 0 until stop (exclusive)
[0, 1]
>>> s[slice(1, 5, 3)] # slice(start, stop[, step]) - index from start to stop (exclusive), with optional step size (+|-)
[1, 4]
>>> s[:2] # slices are created implicitly when indexing with ':' [start:stop:step]
[0, 1]
>>> s[3::-1] # negative step
[3, 2, 1, 0]
>>> s[1:3]
[1, 2]
>>> s[1:5:2]
[1, 3]
- A sortable class should define __eq__(), __lt__(), __gt__(), __le__() and __ge__() special methods.
- With functools @total_ordering decorator a class need only provide __eq__() and one other comparison special method.
- Sequence comparison: values are compared in order until a pair of unequal values is found. The comparison of these two values is then returned. If all values are equal, the shorter sequence is lesser.
from functools import total_ordering
class C:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return self.a == other.a
return NotImplemented
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return self.a < other.a
return NotImplemented
Immutable hashable sequence.
- s = ()
- Empty tuple
- s = (1, 'a', 3.0) s = 1, 'a', 3.0
- Create from items
- s = (1,)
- Single-item tuple
- (1, 2, 3) == (1, 2) + (3,)
- Add makes new tuple
- (1, 2, 1, 2) == (1, 2) * 2
- Multiply makes new tuple
Tuple subclass with named items. Also: typing.NamedTuple
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Point = namedtuple('Point', ('x', 'y')) # or namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
>>> p = Point(1, y=2)
Point(x=1, y=2)
>>> p[0]
>>> p.y
Mutable non-hashable sequence.
- s = []
- Empty list
- s = [1, 'a', 3.0] s = list(range(3))
- Create from items
- s[i] = x
- Replace item index i with x
- s[<slice>] = it
- Replace slice with iterable
- del s[<slice>] s[<slice>] = []
- Remove slice
- s.append(x) s += x s[len(s):len(s)] = [x]
- Add item to end
- s.extend(it) s[len(s):len(s)] = it
- Add items from iterable to end
- s.insert(i, x) s[i:i] = [x]
- Insert item at index i
- s.remove(x) del s[s.index(x)]
- Remove first item where s[i] == x
- y = s.pop([i])
- Remove and return last item or indexed item
- s.reverse()
- Reverse items in place
- s.sort(cmp=func, key=getter, reverse=False)
- Sort items in place, default ascending
result = [<expression> for item1 in <iterable1>{ if <condition1>}
{for item2 in <iterable2>{ if <condition2>} … for itemN in <iterableN>{ if <conditionN>}}]
# is equivalent to:
result = []
for item1 in <iterable1>:
for item2 in <iterable2>:
for itemN in <iterableN>:
if <condition1> and <condition2> … and <conditionN>:
Mutable non-hashable key:value pair mapping.
- dict() {}
- Empty dict
- dict(<sequence|mapping>) {'d':4, 'a':2}
- Create from key:value pairs
- dict(**kwds)
- Create from keyword arguments
- dict(zip(keys, values))
- Create from sequences of keys and values
- dict.fromkeys(keys, value=None)
- Create from keys, all set to value
- d.keys()
- Iterable of keys
- d.values()
- Iterable of values
- d.items()
- Iterable of (key, value) pairs
- d.get(key, default=None)
- Get value for key, or default
- d.setdefault(key, default=None)
- Get value for key, add if missing
- d.pop(key)
- Remove and return value for key, raise KeyError if missing
- d.popitem()
- Remove and return (key, value) pair (last-in, first-out)
- d.clear()
- Remove all items
- d.copy()
- Shallow copy
- d1.update(d2) d1 |= d23.9+
- Add/replace key:value pairs from d2 to d1
- d3 = d1 | d23.9+ d3 = {**d1, **d2}
- Merge to new dict, d2 trumps d1
# defaultdict(<callable>) sets default value returned by callable()
import collections
collections.defaultdict(lambda: 42) # dict with default value 42
# {k: v for k, v in <iterable>[ if <condition>]}
>>> {x: x**2 for x in (2, 4, 6) if x < 5}
{2: 4, 4: 16}
Mutable (set) and immutable (frozenset) sets.
- set() frozenset()
- Empty set
- {1, 2, 3}
- Create from items, note: {} creates empty dict - sad!
- set(iterable) {*iterable}
- Create from iterable
- len(s)
- Cardinality
- v in s v not in s
- Test membership
- s1.issubset(s2)
- True if s1 is subset of s2
- s1.issuperset(s2)
- True if s1 is superset of s2
- s.add(v) [mutable]
- Add element
- s.remove(v) [mutable]
- Remove element (KeyError if not found)
- s.discard(v) [mutable]
- Remove element if present
- s.pop() [mutable]
- Remove and return arbitrary element (KeyError if empty)
- s.clear() [mutable]
- Remove all elements
- s1.intersection(s2[, s3…]) s1 & s2
- New set of shared elements
- s1.intersection_update(s2) [mutable]
- Update s1 to intersection with s2
- s1.union(s2[, s3…]) s1 | s2
- New set of all elements
- s1.difference(s2[, s3…]) s1 - s2
- New set of elements unique to s1
- s1.difference_update(s2) [mutable]
- Remove s1 elements intersecting with s2
- s1.symmetric_difference(s2) s1 ^ s2
- New set of unshared elements
- s1.symmetric_difference_update(s2) [mutable]
- Update s1 to symmetric difference with s2
- s.copy()
- Shallow copy
- s.update(it1[, it2…]) [mutable]
- Add elements from iterables
# {x for x in <iterable>[ if <condition>]}
>>> {x for x in 'abracadabra' if x not in 'abc'}
{'r', 'd'}
Immutable sequence of bytes. Mutable version is bytearray.
- b'abc\x42'
- Create from ASCII characters and \x00-\xff
- bytes(<ints>)
- Create from int sequence
- bytes(<str>, 'utf-8') <str>.encode('utf-8')
- Create from string
- <int>.to_bytes(length, order, signed=False)
- Create from int (order='big'|'little')
- bytes.fromhex('<hex>')
- Create from hex pairs (can be separated by whitespace)
- <int> = <bytes>[<index>]
- Return int in range 0 to 255
- <bytes> = <bytes>[<slice>]
- Return bytes even if only one element
- list(<bytes>)
- Return ints in range 0 to 255
- <bytes_sep>.join(<byte_objs>)
- Join byte_objs sequence with bytes_sep separator
- str(<bytes>, 'utf-8') <bytes>.decode('utf-8')
- Convert bytes to string
- int.from_bytes(bytes, order, signed=False)
- Return int from bytes (order='big'|'little')
- <bytes>.hex(sep='', bytes_per_sep=2)
- Return hex pairs
def read_bytes(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
return f.read()
def write_bytes(filename, bytes_obj):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
# var-positional
def f(*args): … # f(1, 2)
def f(x, *args): … # f(1, 2)
def f(*args, z): … # f(1, z=2)
# var-keyword
def f(**kwds): … # f(x=1, y=2)
def f(x, **kwds): … # f(x=1, y=2) | f(1, y=2)
def f(*args, **kwds): … # f(x=1, y=2) | f(1, y=2) | f(1, 2)
def f(x, *args, **kwds): … # f(x=1, y=2, z=3) | f(1, y=2, z=3) | f(1, 2, z=3) | f(1, 2, 3)
def f(*args, y, **kwds): … # f(x=1, y=2, z=3) | f(1, y=2, z=3)
# positional-only before /
def f(x, /, y): … # f(1, 2) | f(1, y=2)
def f(x, y, /): … # f(1, 2)
# keyword-only after *
def f(x, *, y): … # f(x=1, y=2) | f(1, y=2)
def f(*, x, y): … # f(x=1, y=2)
args = (1, 2) # * expands sequence to positional arguments
kwds = {'x': 3, 'y': 4} # ** expands dictionary to keyword arguments
func(*args, **kwds) # is the same as:
func(1, 2, x=3, y=4)
class C:
"""Class docstring."""
def __init__(self, a):
"""Method docstring."""
self.a = a
def __repr__(self):
"""Used for repr(c), also for str(c) if __str__ not defined."""
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.a!r})'
def __str__(self):
"""Used for str(c), e.g. print(c)"""
return str(self.a)
def get_class_name(cls): # passed class rather than instance
return cls.__name__
def static(): # passed nothing
return 1
>>> c = C(2) # instantiate
# under the covers, class instantiation does this:
obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwds)
if isinstance(obj, cls):
obj.__init__(*args, **kwds)
class C:
def f(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_f'):
return self._f
def f(self, value):
self._f = value
Operator | Method |
self + other other + self self += other | __add__(self, other) __radd__(self, other) __iadd__(self, other) |
self - other other - self self -= other | __sub__(self, other) __rsub__(self, other) __isub__(self, other) |
self * other other * self self *= other | __mul__(self, other) __rmul__(self, other) __imul__(self, other) |
self @ other other @ self self @= other | __matmul__(self, other) __rmatmul__(self, other) __imatmul__(self, other) |
self / other other / self self /= other | __truediv__(self, other) __rtruediv__(self, other) __itruediv__(self, other) |
self // other other // self self //= other | __floordiv__(self, other) __rfloordiv__(self, other) __ifloordiv__(self, other) |
self % other other % self self %= other | __mod__(self, other) __rmod__(self, other) __imod__(self, other) |
self ** other other ** self self **= other | __pow__(self, other) __rpow__(self, other) __ipow__(self, other) |
self << other other << self self <<= other | __lshift__(self, other) __rlshift__(self, other) __ilshift__(self, other) |
self >> other other >> self self >>= other | __rshift__(self, other) __rrshift__(self, other) __irshift__(self, other) |
self & other other & self self &= other | __and__(self, other) __rand__(self, other) __iand__(self, other) |
self | other other | self self |= other | __or__(self, other) __ror__(self, other) __ior__(self, other) |
self ^ other other ^ self self ^= other | __xor__(self, other) __rxor__(self, other) __ixor__(self, other) |
divmod(self, other) divmod(self, other) | __divmod__(self, other) __rdivmod__(self, other) |
Operator | Method |
-self | __neg__(self) |
+self | __pos__(self) |
abs(self) | __abs__(self) |
~self | __invert__(self) [bitwise] |
self == other | __eq__(self) [default 'is', requires __hash__] |
self != other | __ne__(self) |
self < other | __lt__(self, other) |
self <= other | __le__(self, other) |
self > other | __gt__(self, other) |
self >= other | __ge__(self, other) |
item in self | __contains__(self, item) |
bool(self) if self: if not self: | __bool__(self) |
bytes(self) | __bytes__(self) |
complex(self) | __complex__(self) |
float(self) | __float__(self) |
int(self) | __int__(self) |
round(self) | __round__(self[, ndigits]) |
math.ceil(self) | __ceil__(self) |
math.floor(self) | __floor__(self) |
math.trunc(self) | __trunc__(self) |
Operator | Method |
dir(self) | __dir__(self) |
format(self) | __format__(self, format_spec) |
hash(self) | __hash__(self) |
iter(self) | __iter__(self) |
len(self) | __len__(self) |
repr(self) | __repr__(self) |
reversed(self) | __reversed__(self) |
str(self) self(*args, **kwds) | __str__(self) __call__(self, *args, **kwds) |
self[…] | __getitem__(self, key) |
self[…] = 1 | __setitem__(self, key, value) |
del self[…] | __delitem__(self, key) |
other[self] | __index__(self) |
self.name | __getattribute__(self, name) __getattr__(self, name) [if AttributeError] |
self.name = 1 | __setattr__(self, name, value) |
del self.name | __delattr__(self, name) |
with self: | __enter__(self) __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) |
await self | __await__(self) |
Decorator syntax passes a function or class to a callable and replaces it with the return value.
def show_call(obj):
Decorator that prints obj name and arguments each time obj is called.
def show_call_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
print(obj.__name__, args, kwds)
return obj(*args, **kwds)
return show_call_wrapper
@show_call # function decorator
def add(x, y):
return x + y
# is equivalent to
add = show_call(add)
>>> add(13, 29)
add (13, 29) {}
@show_call # class decorator
class C:
def __init__(self, a=None):
# is equivalent to
C = show_call(C)
>>> C(a=42)
C () {'a': 42}
# decorators optionally take arguments
def show_call_if(condition):
Apply show_call decorator only if condition is True.
return show_call if condition else lambda obj: obj
def add(x, y):
return x + y
# is equivalent to
add = show_call_if(False)(add)
>>> add(13, 29)
def add(x, y):
return x + y
>>> add(13, 29)
add (13, 29) {}
>>> add.__name__
'show_call_wrapper' # ugh! decorated function has different metadata
# @wraps decorator copies metadata of decorated object to wrapped object
# preserving original attributes (e.g. __name__)
from functools import wraps
def show_call_preserve_meta(obj):
def show_call_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
print(obj.__name__, args, kwds)
return obj(*args, **kwds)
return show_call_wrapper
def add(x, y):
return x + y
>>> add.__name__
An iterator implements the __iter__() method, returning an iterable that implements the __next__() method. The __next__() method returns the next item in the collection and raises StopIteration when done.
class C:
def __init__(self, items):
self.items = items
def __iter__(self):
"""Make class its own iterable."""
return self
def __next__(self):
"""Implement to be iterable."""
if self.items:
return self.items.pop()
raise StopIteration
>>> c = C([13, 29])
>>> it = iter(c) # get iterator
>>> next(it) # get next item
>>> for item in c: # iterate over C instance
... print(item)
A function with a yield statement returns a generator iterator and suspends function processing. Each iteration over the generator iterator resumes function execution, returns the next yield value, and suspends again.
def gen():
"""Generator function"""
for i in [13, 29]:
yield i
>>> g = gen()
>>> next(g) # next value
>>> for item in gen(): # iterate over values
... print(item)
>>> list(gen()) # list all values
[13, 29]
def parent_gen():
yield from gen() # delegate yield to another generator
>>> list(parent_gen())
[13, 29]
#Generator expression
# (<expression> for <name> in <iterable>[ if <condition>])
>>> g = (item for item in [13, 29] if item > 20)
>>> list(g)
Immutable sequence of characters.
- <substring> in s
- True if string contains substring
- s.startswith(<prefix>[, start[, end]])
- True if string starts with prefix, optionally search bounded substring
- s.endswith(<suffix>[, start[, end]])
- True if string ends with suffix, optionally search bounded substring
- s.strip(chars=None)
- Strip whitespace from both ends, or passed characters
- s.lstrip(chars=None)
- Strip whitespace from left end, or passed characters
- s.rstrip(chars=None)
- Strip whitespace from right end, or passed characters
- s.ljust(width, fillchar=' ')
- Left justify with fillchar
- s.rjust(width, fillchar=' ')
- Right justify with fillchar
- s.center(width, fillchar=' ')
- Center with fillchar
- s.split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1)
- Split on whitespace, or sep str at most maxsplit times
- s.splitlines(keepends=False)
- Split lines on [\n\r\f\v\x1c-\x1e\x85\u2028\u2029] and \r\n
- <separator>.join(<strings>)
- Join sequence of strings with separator string
- s.format(*args, **kwds)
- Substitute arguments into {} placeholders
- s.format_map(mapping)
- Substitute mapping into {} placeholders
- s.find(<substring>)
- Index of first match or -1
- s.rfind(<substring>)
- Index of last match or -1
- s.index(<substring>)
- Index of first match or raise ValueError
- s.rindex(<substring>)
- Index of last match or raise ValueError
- s.count(<substring>[, start[, end]])
- Count instances of substring, optionally search bounded substring
- s.lower()
- To lower case
- s.casefold()
- To lower case (aggressive)
- s.upper()
- To upper case
- s.title()
- To title case (The Quick Brown Fox)
- s.capitalize()
- Capitalize first letter
- s.swapcase()
- Swap case
- s.replace(old, new[, count])
- Replace old with new at most count times
- s.translate(<table>)
- Use str.maketrans(<dict>) to generate table
- s.expandtabs(tabsize=8)
- Expand tabs to spaces
- chr(<int>)
- Integer to Unicode character
- ord(<str>)
- Unicode character to integer
- <str>.encode(encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
- Encode string to bytes
- s.isalnum()
- True if isnumeric() or [a-zA-Z…] (>0 characters)
- s.isalpha()
- True if [a-zA-Z…] (>0 characters)
- s.isdecimal()
- True if [0-9], [०-९] or [٠-٩] (>0 characters)
- s.isdigit()
- True if isdecimal() or [²³¹…] (>0 characters)
- s.isidentifier()
- True if valid Python name (including keywords)
- s.islower()
- True if all characters are lower case (>0 characters)
- s.isnumeric()
- True if isdigit() or [¼½¾零〇一…] (>0 characters)
- s.isprintable()
- True if isalnum() or [ !#$%…] (>0 characters)
- s.isspace()
- True if [ \t\n\r\f\v\x1c-\x1f\x85\xa0…] (>0 characters)
- s.istitle()
- True if string is title case (>0 characters)
- s.isupper()
- True if all characters are upper case (>0 characters)
- head, sep, tail = s.partition(<separator>)
- Search for separator from start and split
- head, sep, tail = s.rpartition(<separator>)
- Search for separator from end and split
- s.removeprefix(<prefix>)3.9+
- Remove prefix if present
- s.removesuffix(<suffix>)3.9+
- Remove suffix if present
Sequence | Escape |
Literal backslash | \\ |
Single quote | \' |
Double quote | \" |
Backspace | \b |
Carriage return | \r |
Sequence | Escape |
Newline | \n |
Tab | \t |
Vertical tab | \v |
Null | \0 |
Hex value | \xff |
Sequence | Escape |
Octal value | \o77 |
Unicode 16 bit | \uxxxx |
Unicode 32 bit | \Uxxxxxxxx |
Unicode name | \N{name} |
Format | f-string | Output |
Escape curly braces | f"{{}}" | '{}' |
Expression | f"{6/3}, {'a'+'b'}" '{}, {}'.format(6/3, 'a'+'b') | '2, ab' |
Justify left | f'{1:<5}' | '1 ' |
Justify center | f'{1:^5}' | ' 1 ' |
Justify right | f'{1:>5}' | ' 1' |
Justify left with char | f'{1:.<5}' | '1....' |
Justify right with char | f'{1:.>5}' | '....1' |
Trim | f"{'abc':.2}" | 'ab' |
Trim justify left | f"{'abc':6.2}" | 'ab ' |
ascii() | f'{v!a}' | ascii(v) |
repr() | f'{v!r}' | repr(v) |
str() | f'{v!s}' | str(v) |
Justify left repr() | f"{'abc'!r:6}" | "'abc' " |
Date format | f'{today:%d %b %Y}' | '21 Jan 1984' |
Format | f-string | Output |
Significant figures | f'{1.234:.2}' | '1.2' |
Fixed-point notation | f'{1.234:.2f}' | '1.23' |
Scientific notation | f'{1.234:.2e}' | '1.230e+00' |
Percentage | f'{1.234:.2%}' | '123.40%' |
Pad with zeros | f'{1.7:04}' | '01.7' |
Pad with spaces | f'{1.7:4}' | ' 1.7' |
Pad before sign | f'{123:+6}' | ' +123' |
Pad after sign | f'{123:=+6}' | '+ 123' |
Separate with commas | f'{123456:,}' | '123,456' |
Separate with underscores | f'{123456:_}' | '123_456' |
f'{1+1=}' | f'{1+1=}' | '1+1=2' (= prepends) |
Binary | f'{164:b}' | '10100100' |
Octal | f'{164:o}' | '244' |
Hex | f'{164:X}' | 'A4' |
chr() | f'{164:c}' | 'ÿ' |
Standard library re module provides Python regular expressions.
>>> import re
>>> my_re = re.compile(r'name is (?P<name>[A-Za-z]+)')
>>> match = my_re.search('My name is Douglas.')
>>> match.group()
'name is Douglas'
>>> match.group(1)
>>> match.groupdict()['name']
- .
- Any character (newline if DOTALL)
- ^
- Start of string (every line if MULTILINE)
- $
- End of string (every line if MULTILINE)
- *
- 0 or more of preceding
- +
- 1 or more of preceding
- ?
- 0 or 1 of preceding
- *?, +?, ??
- Same as *, + and ?, as few as possible
- {m,n}
- m to n repetitions
- {m,n}?
- m to n repetitions, as few as possible
- […]
- Character set: e.g. '[a-zA-Z]'
- [^…]
- NOT character set
- \
- Escape chars '*?+&$|()', introduce special sequences
- \\
- Literal '\'
- |
- Or
- (…)
- Group
- (?:…)
- Non-capturing group
- (?P<name>…)
- Named group
- (?P=name)
- Match text matched by earlier group
- (?=…)
- Match next, non-consumptive
- (?!…)
- Non-match next, non-consumptive
- (?<=…)
- Match preceding, positive lookbehind assertion
- (?<!…)
- Non-match preceding, negative lookbehind assertion
- (?(group)A|B)
- Conditional match - A if group previously matched else B
- (?letters)
- Set flags for RE ('i','L', 'm', 's', 'u', 'x')
- (?#…)
- Comment (ignored)
- \<n>
- Match by integer group reference starting from 1
- \A
- Start of string
- \b
- Word boundary (see flag: ASCII|LOCALE)
- \B
- Not word boundary (see flag: ASCII|LOCALE)
- \d
- Decimal digit (see flag: ASCII)
- \D
- Non-decimal digit (see flag: ASCII)
- \s
- Whitespace [ \t\n\r\f\v] (see flag: ASCII)
- \S
- Non-whitespace (see flag: ASCII)
- \w
- Alphanumeric (see flag: ASCII|LOCALE)
- \W
- Non-alphanumeric (see flag: ASCII|LOCALE)
- \Z
- End of string
Flags modify regex behaviour. Pass to regex functions (e.g. re.A | re.ASCII) or embed in regular expression (e.g. (?a)).
- (?a) | A | ASCII
- ASCII-only match for \w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s, \S (default is Unicode)
- (?i) | I | IGNORECASE
- Case insensitive matching
- (?L) | L | LOCALE
- Apply current locale for \w, \W, \b, \B (discouraged)
- (?m) | M | MULTILINE
- Match every new line, not only start/end of string
- (?s) | S | DOTALL
- '.' matches ALL chars, including newline
- (?x) | X | VERBOSE
- Ignores whitespace outside character sets
- Display expression debug info
- compile(pattern[, flags=0])
- Compiles Regular Expression Object
- escape(string)
- Escape non-alphanumerics
- match(pattern, string[, flags])
- Match from start
- search(pattern, string[, flags])
- Match anywhere
- split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0])
- Splits by pattern, keeping splitter if grouped
- findall(pattern, string)
- Non-overlapping matches as list of groups or tuples (>1)
- finditer(pattern, string[, flags])
- Iterator over non-overlapping matches
- sub(pattern, repl, string[, count=0])
- Replace count first leftmost non-overlapping; If repl is function, called with a MatchObj
- subn(pattern, repl, string[, count=0])
- Like sub(), but returns (newString, numberOfSubsMade)
- flags
- Flags
- groupindex
- {group name: group number}
- pattern
- Pattern
- match(string[, pos][, endpos])
- Match from start of target[pos:endpos]
- search(string[, pos][, endpos])
- Match anywhere in target[pos:endpos]
- split(string[, maxsplit=0])
- See split() function
- findall(string[, pos[, endpos]])
- See findall() function
- finditer(string[, pos[, endpos]])
- See finditer() function
- sub(repl, string[, count=0])
- See sub() function
- subn(repl, string[, count=0])
- See subn() function
- pos
- pos passed to search or match
- endpos
- endpos passed to search or match
- re
- RE object
- group([g1, g2, ...])
- One or more groups of match One arg, result is a string Multiple args, result is tuple If gi is 0, returns the entire matching string If 1 <= gi <= 99, returns string matching group (None if no such group) May also be a group name Tuple of match groups Non-participating groups are None String if len(tuple)==1
- start(group), end(group)
- Indices of start & end of group match (None if group exists but didn't contribute)
- span(group)
- (start(group), end(group)); (None, None) if group didn't contibute
- string
- String passed to match() or search()
- bool([object]) True, False
- Boolean, see __bool__ special method
- int([float|str|bool]) 5
- Integer, see __int__ special method
- float([int|str|bool]) 5.1, 1.2e-4
- Float (inexact, compare with math.isclose(<float>, <float>) See __float__ special method
- complex(real=0, imag=0) 3 - 2j, 2.1 + 0.8j
- Complex, see __complex__ special method
- fractions.Fraction(<numerator>, <denominator>)
- Fraction
- decimal.Decimal([str|int])
- Decimal (exact, set precision: decimal.getcontext().prec = <int>)
- bin([int]) 0b101010 int('101010', 2) int('0b101010', 0)
- Binary
- hex([int]) 0x2a int('2a', 16) int('0x2a', 0)
- Hex
from math import (e, pi, inf, nan, isinf, isnan,
sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, degrees, radians,
log, log10, log2)
Also: built-in functions (abs, max, min, pow, round, sum)
from statistics import mean, median, variance, stdev, quantiles, groupby
>>> from random import random, randint, choice, shuffle, gauss, triangular, seed
>>> random() # float inside [0, 1)
>>> randint(1, 100) # int inside [<from>, <to>]
>>> choice(range(100)) # random item from sequence
The datetime module provides immutable hashable date, time, datetime, and timedelta classes.
Code | Output |
%a | Day name short (Mon) |
%A | Day name full (Monday) |
%b | Month name short (Jan) |
%B | Month name full (January) |
%c | Locale datetime format |
%d | Day of month [01,31] |
%f | Microsecond [000000,999999] |
%H | Hour (24-hour) [00,23] |
Code | Output |
%I | Hour (12-hour) [01,12] |
%j | Day of year [001,366] |
%m | Month [01,12] |
%M | Minute [00,59] |
%p | Locale format for AM/PM |
%S | Second [00,61]. Yes, 61! |
%U | Week number (Sunday start) [00(partial),53] |
%w | Day number [0(Sunday),6] |
Code | Output |
%W | Week number (Monday start) [00(partial),53] |
%x | Locale date format |
%X | Locale time format |
%y | Year without century [00,99] |
%Y | Year with century (2023) |
%Z | Time zone ('' if no TZ) |
%z | UTC offset (+HHMM/-HHMM, '' if no TZ) |
%% | Literal '%' |
[except [<Exception>[ as e]]:
[except: # catch all
[else: # if no exception
[finally: # always executed
raise <exception>[ from <exception|None>]
1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
# from None hides exception context
raise TypeError("Hide ZeroDivisionError") from None
BaseException Base class for all exceptions ├─ BaseExceptionGroup Base class for groups of exceptions ├─ GeneratorExit Generator close() raises to terminate iteration ├─ KeyboardInterrupt On user interrupt key (often 'CTRL-C') ├─ SystemExit On sys.exit() └─ Exception Base class for errors ├─ ArithmeticError Base class for arithmetic errors │ ├─ FloatingPointError Floating point operation failed │ ├─ OverflowError Result too large │ └─ ZeroDivisionError Argument of division or modulo is 0 ├─ AssertionError Assert statement failed ├─ AttributeError Attribute reference or assignment failed ├─ BufferError Buffer operation failed ├─ EOFError input() hit end-of-file without reading data ├─ ExceptionGroup Group of exceptions raised together ├─ ImportError Import statement failed │ └─ ModuleNotFoundError Module not able to be found ├─ LookupError Base class for lookup errors │ └─ IndexError Index not found in sequence │ └─ KeyError Key not found in dictionary ├─ MemoryError Operation ran out of memory ├─ NameError Local or global name not found │ └─ UnboundLocalError Local variable value not asssigned ├─ OSError System related error │ ├─ BlockingIOError Non-blocking operation will block │ ├─ ChildProcessError Operation on child process failed │ ├─ ConnectionError Base class for connection errors │ │ ├─ BrokenPipeError Write to closed pipe or socket │ │ ├─ ConnectionAbortedError Connection aborted │ │ ├─ ConnectionRefusedError Connection denied by server │ │ └─ ConnectionResetError Connection reset mid-operation │ ├─ FileExistsError Trying to create a file that already exists │ ├─ FileNotFoundError File or directory not found │ ├─ InterruptedError System call interrupted by signal │ ├─ IsADirectoryError File operation requested on a directory │ ├─ NotADirectoryError Directory operation requested on a non-directory │ ├─ PermissionError Operation has insuffient access rights │ ├─ ProcessLookupError Operation on process that no longer exists │ └─ TimeoutError Operation timed out ├─ ReferenceError Weak reference used on garbage collected object ├─ RuntimeError Error detected that doesn't fit other categories │ ├─ NotImplementedError Operation not yet implemented │ └─ RecursionError Maximum recursion depth exceeded ├─ StopAsyncIteration Iterator __anext__() raises to stop iteration ├─ StopIteration Iterator next() raises when no more values ├─ SyntaxError Python syntax error │ └─ IndentationError Base class for indentation errors │ └─ TabError Inconsistent tabs or spaces ├─ SystemError Recoverable Python interpreter error ├─ TypeError Operation applied to wrong type object ├─ ValueError Operation on right type but wrong value │ └─ UnicodeError Unicode encoding/decoding error │ ├─ UnicodeDecodeError Unicode decoding error │ ├─ UnicodeEncodeError Unicode encoding error │ └─ UnicodeTranslateError Unicode translation error └─ Warning Base class for warnings ├─ BytesWarning Warnings about bytes and bytesarrays ├─ DeprecationWarning Warnings about deprecated features ├─ EncodingWarning Warning about encoding problem ├─ FutureWarning Warnings about future deprecations for end users ├─ ImportWarning Possible error in module imports ├─ PendingDeprecationWarning Warnings about pending feature deprecations ├─ ResourceWarning Warning about resource use ├─ RuntimeWarning Warning about dubious runtime behavior ├─ SyntaxWarning Warning about dubious syntax ├─ UnicodeWarning Warnings related to Unicode └─ UserWarning Warnings generated by user code
$ python [-bBdEhiIOqsSuvVWx?] [-c command | -m module-name | script | - ] [args]
$ python --version
Python 3.10.12
$ python --help[-all] # help-all [3.11+]
# Execute code from command line
$ python -c 'print("Hello, world!")'
# Execute __main__.py in directory
$ python <directory>
# Execute module as __main__
$ python -m timeit -s 'setup here' 'benchmarked code here'
# Optimise execution
$ python -O script.py
# Hide warnings
# OR
$ python -W ignore foo.py
# OR
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
# module of executed script is assigned __name__ '__main__'
# so to run main() only if module is executed as script
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Change location of standard Python libraries
- Augment default search path for module files
- Module to execute before entering interactive prompt
- Optimise execution (-O)
- Set warning level [default/error/always/module/once/ignore] (-W)
- Show module import times (-X)
Before __main__ module is executed Python automatically imports:
- sitecustomize.py in the system site-packages directory
- usercustomize.py in the user site-packages directory
# Get user site packages directory
$ python -m site --user-site
# Bypass sitecustomize.py/usercustomize.py hooks
$ python -S script.py
None, bool, Number, Tuple, List, Dictionary, String, Bytes, Set, Time.
Type hints are not enforced by the Python runtime but may be used by third party type checkers.
- argparse
- Command line parser
- asyncio
- Asychronous I/O
- collections
- Container datatypes
- enum
- Symbolic names
- io
- Streams
- multiprocessing
- Process-based parallelism
- os
- Operating system
- pathlib
- Filesystem paths
- pickle
- Object serialisation
- sys
- Python interpreter
- threading
- Thread-based parallelism
#Third-party library
- Python documentation
- Python language reference
- Python enhancment proposals (PEPs)
- What's new in Python
- The hitchhiker’s guide to Python
- Learn X in Y minutes
- Cheat sheet - gto76
- Cheat sheet - pythoncheatsheet.org
- Cheat sheet - speedsheat.io